How much is membership and what do I get in return?
Ordinary Membership is £20 and lets you join as many MusSoc groups as you’d like. As a completely self-funded Society, this covers the hire of rehearsal and concert venues, sheet music and food/drink for group socials as well as paying for our professional conductor in the case of Symphony Orchestra. Members also have access to heavily discounted tickets for concerts and society-wide socials.
If not part of any group, Social Membership can be purchased for £10. This gives the same discount privileges as Ordinary Membership and allows you to vote in Society EGMs/AGMs. For more information see here.
Can I borrow/store an instrument?
Yes! This is done through the Music Centre.
What is the difference between Music Society and the Music Centre?
Music Society provides 6 student-run ensembles, making use of the Music Centre’s facilities for rehearsals and performances. The Music Centre is University run and provides music modules, private lessons and some scholarship opportunities.
How can I become part of the Committee?
The Society has up to two positions for Freshers’ Representatives. These are elected in October at our EGM and any first year student can run. Manager elections take place for each group at the end of the academic year. Around this time, an AGM is held to elect remaining positions.
Are there any opportunities to conduct?
Our Wind Band is always looking for student-conductors. Please contact windband@st-andrews.ac.uk if you’re interested.
Where can I sign up for an audition?
Please find information about the audition process here and on each group’s page. Links to sign-up sheets will be posted at the start of the academic year. If interested after this, please contact the managers directly.
How can I get involved if I don’t play an instrument?
All students are welcome at our socials and concerts. For ticket discounts, a Social Membership can be bought for £10. (This is included in Ordinary Membership.)
I’m not very good at sight-reading / sight-singing. Should I still audition?
Yes! Most groups can give out music before rehearsals begin so don't mind if you're not as strong at sight-reading.